MA Bill To Protect Female Athletes
Help us get Democratic cosponsors and join the rally at the State House.

The Bill
Good news! A bill supporting fairness and safety for female athletes has been filed in the Massachusetts Legislature: HD.62, An Act relative to defending the autonomy and integrity of student athletes and coaches. This moderate bill protects student athletes and coaches from discipline or penalty by allowing athletes to sit out of a game, and by allowing coaches to forfeit a game, when competing against a sex-designated team that includes a player of the opposite sex. It is similar to a policy update made by the Dighton-Rehoboth school committee in the summer of 2024.
This legislation was tailored to be acceptable to Democrats in order to encourage dialogue about fairness and safety for women and girls in sports.
As you know, the science is clear that male athletes of any age have an advantage against women and girls in sports that makes their participation unfair and unsafe. Polls routinely show strong support for this position, including among Democrats.
Contact your Democratic state legislators
Please reach out to your Democratic state representative and state senator to ask them to cosponsor this important legislation which was filed by two Republicans. It is important for the people of Massachusetts to see that protecting fairness and safety for female athletes is not a partisan issue. You can find your state legislators here, and find the email address and phone number to their office by following the link to their legislator webpage.
Your state legislators are very responsive to voters who live in their districts, and they need to hear from you!
In addition, if you’re ready to up your game in support of women and girls and would be willing to request a meeting with your legislator or their staff, please contact (put “bill 62” in the subject line) and ma4women will put you in touch with someone who can help facilitate, provide resources, and even join you at the meeting.
Sample email
Because form emails carry less weight than individually composed emails, we suggest that you use the below email only as a guide. The more personal you make your email, the better. DIAG’s webpage on men in women’s sports is a great resource. Additionally, you may want to consult the websites of the Independent Council On Women’s sports (ICONS) and the Women’s Sports Policy Working Group.
Dear Representative (or Senator) ____________,
I am a constituent in your district in (your town) and I am writing to ask that you cosponsor HD.62, An Act relative to defending the autonomy and integrity of student athletes and coaches.
I am a lifelong liberal Democrat, and I strongly support fairness and safety for women and girls in sports.
I support this bill to protect student athletes and coaches from discipline if they choose to stand up for fairness and safety in sports. This bill would not prevent anyone from competing, but would simply protect the rights of those who choose to not participate in unfair competitions or sacrifice their own safety. This is not a partisan issue!
As you have probably seen, the vast majority of the public, including 67% of Democrats according to a recent New York Times poll, support fairness and safety for female athletes. This is because the science is so clear that male athletes enjoy an advantage against female athletes regardless of age or of any hormonal intervention.
I would appreciate a response with your thoughts on this legislation.
Thank you so much for your consideration and for all you do for the people of the Commonwealth,
(Your name)
Join the rally and press conference at the Boston State House
The Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI) has organized a rally and press conference to take place at the Boston State House on Wednesday February 5th, 10-12. You can register here.
Please read our NOTES to stay up to date on news items related to women’s sex-based rights and child safeguarding in MA and surrounding areas.
Kudos! Wish I still lived in Mass so I could support this bill.
Terrific initiative. Well done, and good luck!