Thank you for writing this!

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Thank You! I'm glad that a repeat of San Francisco was not allowed.

But how is her being a Christian relevant?

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Thanks for reading! I found it relevant to include because Riley talks about her Christianity during the speech.

"And myself as a Christian, I would be remiss if I did not say that I entirely see this as spiritual warfare. I believe it’s no longer a battle of right vs wrong or good vs bad. I truly believe that it’s a battle of moral vs evil. Which sounds grim, it sounds chilling, but the Bible already tells us who wins and that’s what propagates me moving forward." (Timestamp 1:04:38 of the linked video)

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Thanks for clarifying! Well, she also said all of the things that a feminist would say without identifying as one ;-) There are also lots of Christians that disagree with her take.

If I was into identity politics, I would claim her as an honorary Feminist and a TERF. But I won't! Because I don't care in the end how she identifies, or anyone else who signs on to the Women's Bill Of Rights (Thanks for the link!).

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