
Here is a long letter from a reader to a MA state senator on the bill:

Dear Senator XXXXXX,

I am a life long Democrat, a former elementary school teacher and a mother of two. I am writing to urge you to vote against Senate bill 268, An Act relative to healthy youth, as it is currently written.

For the most part I believe that this bill is commendable and ensures that the youth of Massachusetts will receive thorough and highly valuable instruction in health and sexual education. However, I am strongly opposed to requiring that the concept of “gender identity” be taught as it is currently presented in the newly adopted Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Framework. I believe that this framing of “gender identity” violates the standards of medical accuracy, and in many cases, age-appropriateness, which, in the interest of brevity, I will not address in this letter.

The Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Framework presents the idea of “gender identity” as a fact, a universal truth, without context, not to be questioned and to be affirmed by all students and teachers alike. However the idea of “gender identity” is based on unverifiable and non-falsifiable premises and functions more as a type of religious or spiritual belief than as scientific or empirical truth. And as such, it will conflict with deeply held beliefs of students, their families and school personnel.

Furthermore, the concept of “gender identity,” as currently taught, perpetuates ideas such as: a person can be “born in the wrong body,” there are “boy brains and girl brains,” it is possible for a person to “change sex” and that sex itself (as opposed to gender roles) is merely a social construct. Such statements are not only medically inaccurate but they are, I believe, based on regressive stereotypes, misogyny and homophobia.

It is primarily for these reasons that I think that whether or not to include the concept of “gender identity” in health and sexuality curriculum is best left to the discretion of individual district school boards in consultation with school administrators. For it is school boards, superintendents and administrators who are most directly accountable their staff, families and students and who best understand their needs and concerns.

Lastly, I would like to draw your attention to recent polling, reported in the New York Times, titled “Support for Teaching Gender Identity in School Is Split, Even Among Democrats.” As I am sure you are well aware, there has been a significant increase in lawsuits brought by parents against schools for perceived violations of their rights as a result of implementing policies and curriculum concerned with “gender identity” issues. No doubt, as the tide shifts and the general public becomes more and more aware of just how much of an outlier the US is, in comparison to numerous European countries, in its uncritical and reckless acceptance of many of the tenants of gender theory and gender medicine, there will be greater and greater demand for accountability and caution.

Thank you for considering my request that you vote against S.268 and thank you for the work you do on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth.


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Please feel free to share your letters urging your state senator to vote no of the healthy youth act here in the comments to inspire others and help with wording.

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Here is another letter from a reader:

February 28, 2024

Re: S.268

The “Healthy Youth Act” is a euphemism for confusing and harming children. Parents oppose the requirement that “gender identity theory” be included in sex-ed curriculum. Sex education should be based in science, not pseudo-science. This indoctrination has been shown to put children on a pathway to medical harm through puberty blockers that stunt their growth and mental development, wrong sex hormones that destroy their endocrine system, and surgeries that render them medical patients for life.

If you wish to avoid playing a role in the medical scandal, please oppose this bill.

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It’s terrifying that a new and highly-contested ideology is being taught as hard, undisputed fact to impressionable kids.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 27Liked by ma4women

Done to my Democratic Senator. Asked her to have the courage to vote against this bill. She would be setting a marvelous precedent if she did.

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Mar 1Liked by ma4women

I threw this together -

"Dear Rep Jehlen and Uyterhoeven

I hope this letter finds you well. As a concerned resident of Somerville P4, I am writing to express my apprehensions regarding the teaching of gender ideology within our state's K-12 educational curriculum. My concerns stem from a combination of community feedback, a review of scientific literature, and the examination of recent polls that suggest a nuanced perspective on this matter among the electorate, including significant portions of POC/Class impacted voters - even (especially) those within the Democratic party.

It has come to my attention that debates surrounding gender ideology and its place in educational settings have intensified. While I fully support an educational environment that promotes respect, inclusiveness, and an understanding of diverse perspectives, I believe it is also crucial to consider the content's foundation in established scientific consensus. There is no research showing the benefits of the current proposed ideology / theory, and there is research indicating it's harm as 5 European countries (Sweden, Finland, the UK, France, and Norway) pull back on childhood social and medical transition practices after delving into literature reviews.

Again, recent surveys and studies suggest that the implementation of gender identity policies in schools is a subject of division not only across the political spectrum but within communities and demographics traditionally supportive of progressive causes. For instance, data indicates that a notable portion of class impacted, non-white voters, who are an integral part of the Democratic base, express reservations about integrating gender ideology teachings into the school curriculum. I know several "blue no matter who," types who have since moved when they found out schools were cutting them out of parenting choices on gender issues and moved to home schooling.

This feedback from a diverse array of voices suggests that a more nuanced approach might be necessary—one that respects the perspectives of all community members while ensuring that our educational practices are grounded in scientifically validated information and tailored to the developmental needs of students.

In light of these considerations, I urge you to:

Engage with constituents from a broad spectrum of perspectives to gather a comprehensive understanding of community sentiments on this issue.

Review the existing scientific literature and expert opinions on gender ideology to ensure that any educational content is aligned with scientific consensus and best practices in pedagogy.

Consider the developmental appropriateness of curriculum content, ensuring that it respects the maturity and understanding of students at different grade levels.

I believe that by taking a measured and inclusive approach, we can foster an educational environment that respects the dignity and beliefs of all students and their families, without compromising on the quality and scientific grounding of our curriculum.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and am hopeful for a dialogue that leads to constructive outcomes for our community's educational policies.



From Pat - Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, we disagree on this issue. I strongly support the Healthy Youth Act and I have voted for it when considered by the Senate. We need robust, medically accurate sexual health education so young people have the knowledge to inform healthy choices throughout their lives. Kids are certainly receiving harmful information informally and online. I believe it is important for young people to be prepared and aware of the risks, and feel confident to exercise their ability to consent or refuse in their relationships.

I'm sorry we don't agree on this particular issue, I hope you will stay in touch on this and other issues.

Pat Jehlen

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Here is another letter from a reader:

Dear Senator XXXXXX,

Please vote against bill S268) that would require “gender identity” to be a part of the sex education curriculum offered in k-12 public schools across the state.

“Gender identity” is a feeling, a belief and has no basis in reality or any scientific evidence that there is such a thing.  It is a lie being told to our children, confusing  and harming them.  It abolishes the fact, reality and science of biological sex.  

You must now be aware that parents across the political isle are opposed to this harmful ideology being taught to their children in school.  Please educate yourself on the misogyny and homophobia that is inherent in this nonsense ideology. 

Think of the children.   And have the courage to vote against this bill.

Thank you,

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Here is a great write up about polls that show that even democrats are against teaching gender identity in schools:


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Does anyone have a template or wording? I am not good at this type of thing.

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